
Oct 12, 2009

CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926)

Water Lily Pond by Kaserbellobimbo


TinaH said...

Hello, Your blog popped up and I decided to read it. I love it. You are a very talented artist and so young! I also love Monet, and you have done a wonderful job with your tribute painting! My home school world is very precious. I hope that good things come to you because of this blog. Also I feel sad for the changes you are going through. Your mom is very special. You can read about how my family lost our house to a fire on my blog. But we moved a few miles away, not to a new culture.

kaserbelobimbo said...

Thank you so much, I like your blog also. I'm going to visit you a lot because I like your stories and your cooking.

blogs about art that my mom loves

Creative Home Expressions.